
When you think about it

I was sitting in my chair,
by my window.
There's this giant tree outside where the leaves now are so plenty it could be the rainforest.
Okay, maybe not the rainforest,
but you know what I mean.
It's plain beauty.
There is so much of it out there,
and I can't help but wonder why we don't see it more often.
Or maybe that's just me.
There's this filter covering my pupils,
only allowing me to see certain things.
And making things look in a special way.
Everyone has their own filter,
shaped by their past and looked through with their present.
Isn't it strange,
we all start off at the same position.
Neutral, empty.
And as the years go by we are filled with love, lies, laughters, lives.
And by some miracle of events we turn into the people we are here and now.
Change one second of your past,
and nothing would be the same.
Some turn out to change the world,
some turn out to save lives,
some live their lives happily on the sidelines,
some end up doing something they never thought was possible.
But we all started off at the same place,
and yet we all turn out so differently.
It's quite a miracle,
when you think about it.
There are so many people walking this earth,
and still not two are identical.
Not even identical twins are identical.
Everyone is unique.
It's quite extraordinary when you think about it.

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