
On a personal note

It's been just over a year since I picked up the pen again. And I truly have tried to keep this my own private space. I am grateful to everyone who reads it, I don't care of it's one person, twenty or no one. I write for me. I'm trying to heal. Which is very, very, very difficult. It's a long process.

I am currently going through an internal change. Which is why I took the opportunity to also redo the blog a bit. Try to 'brighten' it up a bit. And yes, I do know it's not a colourful explosion. But to me it's serene and calm. Which is what I need right now. And while my melancholic state of nature probably never will change, I am trying to find the light. We'll see if it's still out there waiting for me or if it's moved on to better things.

Thank you for being part of the process. I know I'm annoying and whiney a lot of the time. But this is my space. This is where I don't have to put on that smile and pretend everything is okay, when it's not. And this is where I get to be like that in order to not have to be all depressed when I'm out in the real world.

And by the way, the soundtrack to Grey's Anatomy is amazing and I'm considering starting a series of posting all the lyrics to all the songs just because they all are perfection.

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