
On my mind

Came across this on the internet. It didn't have an author written on it. But as the one thing currently taking up most space in my mind is the future, and what to do with it, this really spoke to me.

Such an interesting concept
Ideas and plans
Already laid out in front of you
But a future…
It's more than just an idea
It's every possibility
Every chance
For something altering to occur
A future is neither bad
Nor good
A future is neutral
Caring not of its effects
Such a future comes
From a biased past
One filled with truth
With lies, with alibis
Crossed with emotions
And actions
This past turns into now
A now riddled with uncertainty
And decisions
Full of memories
And hopes, dreams
Once now turns into then
That's when things turn grey
Who knows
Which path you will choose? 
Which wine you will taste? 
Whose heart will break? 
The one thing about futures
Is that you have to live now
To ever reach them
In an instant, your future
Can disappear
Your now becomes past
And nothing follows
This future
Is only reached
By living through today
Through the memories
Of futures passed
And the choices made tomorrow
The future is far away
A concept hard to grasp
But we'll grasp the future yet
And live it to the last 

It's taken from here.

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