

I need to get some of my frustration and anger out. Because I am sitting in bed, fuming. I am so so so pissed off. And I can't be pissed off. Because I need to sleep. I am getting up stupidly early tomorrow because of my stupid job starting so bloody early. And I just had an e-mail from this very stupid job, not asking, but informing me in passing, that my shift on Saturday has been moved. I have plans on Saturday evening. But do they care? No. Of course they don't. They don't even bother telling me when the change happens! And they say that they are happy for me to swap with others. But problem is that means one person. Because it's only two of us in on Saturday. And if I swap with someone who isn't working I'd have three days off this week. And that'd mess up my salary. But are they willing to try and help me? No. They say thank you for helping them out. As if I have a choice. But I don't.

It pisses me off. It makes me so so so angry when people think they can control people's free time. When they assume we have nothing better to do than be ready to jump in and work whenever. It is disrespectful. It is condescending. It is power play. All things which I hate.

And I honsetly think that this might have been what just made it for me.
Yes. My eyes just shifted even more in the direction of the country that I call home.

1 kommentar:

  1. Det låter UNDERBART att du lutar mer åt Sverige. Jag saknar dig!! Inte så underbart med ilskan dock. Kram Marlene
