
This is where I live


On days like these I have to admit to quite enjoying my small town life. This is where I live. And I shouldn’t be surprised, not by the fact that I live here nor that it’s very beautiful. I grew up here. It’s home. Like in this photo for instance. I’ve gone skating on this small lake. I’ve been fishing in it. I’ve dyed wool in it. There’s a tiny gap between the trees on the far right of this photo. In that gap you can almost, almost, hint a buidling. That’s my primary school. So this truly is my neck of the woods. And this time of year it is more beautiful than ever.

I realised the other day that I haven’t been in Sweden in October since 2006. And I know Britain turns into various shades of yellow and orange and red as well at this time of year. But I can’t help myself, I’m impressed by what Sweden is showing me. It is absolutely stunning.

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