
Things to spend money on

I had yesterday off,
that meant:
no reading for classes
no reading for essays
no writing essays
no visits to the library
no visit to campus
no feeling guilty about not doing any of the above things.

I went into town.
And yes, I went shopping crazy.
The best thing I bought, by far,
were a pair of red jeans.
I L.O.V.E them.
They are definitely one of the best things I have spent money on since I returned here after the summer,
just losing by a small margin to my tatoo,
which I also love.
And the good thing with that is,
that unlike my new, wonderful pair of jeans,
the tatoo will last me a life time.
The jeans, sadly enough,
probably won't.

The jeans are from Zara, as is this photo.

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