
Hate is a strong word, but sometimes the only word

Do you know what I hate? I never like it when people say they 'hate' someone. It's such a strong word, and the people you might hate, they rarely deserve you feeling anything toward them.

But I truly hate cockroaches. I have now had five in my kitchen/living room in the last hour. And I am freaking out. They're disgusting, they're fast, they're ugly, they're creepy, they're horrible. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. I wa taught as a child that everyone plays a part. You know, the bees pollenate the flowers therefore we shouldn't kill them, etc etc. But cockroaches? What purpose do they fill more than absolutely, and completely, freak me out. I have been terrified of them ever since I at the age of 11 in a hotel in Bali came across one in the bathroom sink as I was about to spit out toothpaste from my mouth. The spitting turned into screaming. I refused to sleep in that room for several nights. Now though, my parents are not here to kill them for me. Or to hold my hand. I have to do it by myself. And you know what? It sucks! Sometimes it sucks being all grown up. I don't want to do this anymore. When nights like this happen I wonder why I didn't just stay in nice, safe, bug-free northern Europe. Yes, we have bugs. But we don't have cockroaches. Or bugs that might kill you.

I truly hate cockroaches. And I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm very grateful for my 'cockroach net' as I will call it from now on.

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