
So, it did happen

I'm feeling a bit weird. Not sure why. Well, I'm injured so that might be part of it.
I'm 'stuck' in Kampala, recuperating from an accident I had yesterday. So now I'm not really sure when I will be leaving. Was supposed to drive up north today, but that didn't happen. So now I'm sitting here. In my lovely apartment in Kampala with not much to do. Feeling a bit lonely, and wondering what will happen now. I think I will be heading up north on Sunday, feels like the most logic choice. But I'm not sure how I'll get there as the car left today... Do I take the bus? Will they send a car for me? (It's a seven/eight our drive.....) I'm confused. And in pain.

If anyone cares to know, I was hit by a car yesterday. While I was on a bodaboda (motorcycle taxi). We were stood still and the car was hit us from behind and I flew off. I returned home with a painful ass (it really hurts to sit...), some bruises all over my body in random places. And a minor concussion. Thus, I'm not on my way north. I will be fine in a couple of days, it was more the shock I think. But yeah, a bit scary. I will not be writing about this on my travelblog as I have decided to not tell my parents. I don't want to freak them out and have them worry more than they already do about the fact that I'm spending my summer in remote areas of Africa. I'll tell them when I get home :P

But yeah, so here I am. Recovering. I'm not supposed to move around too much due to the concussion, but I can't sit for too long because my ass hurts... Oh the dilemmas I face...

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