By accident I clicked on the link, and as I started reading my eyes grew bigger and bigger. Never before had the truth stared me in the face as bluntly. It was the story of a girl. A girl that I immediately felt that it could have been me. It was as if someone had written down the story of my life, and my emotions surrounding it, into one small article. And then summed it all up in three small letters,
TCK. Third Culture Kid. It was refreshing. It was fascinating. It was unbelievable. I had done it! I had found something I did not think existed. My childhood was a phenomenon, my state of mind was a 30 year study.

Every word, I could have written.
Every feeling, I could have felt.
Never had some one else put words to my life so well. So perfectly.
Never had I been as astonished at someone elses words. I'm normal after all, who knew!?
It was as if a piece of me fell into place.
Never had an article struck me so hard before.
Never had it hit the spot so well.
Never had I been able to relate to every single word written.
I'm still shocked. And amazed.
I need to get that book.
(Picture taken from DeviantArt, thanks!)
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