
Taking back my self

I used to write all the time. Short stories. Poems. Random texts about nothing and everything. The words would just come to me. I would sit down. Grab my pen, and write. I loved it, every second. It was like disappearing into a different world. A world where I made the decisions and controlled the outcomes. Although I many, many times did not have as much control over the pen as I thought I did. It would often grab hold of me and not let go until it had gotten its say. Short stories rarely turned out as I had planned. Poems usually took a weird twist at the end. To just let go of myself like that was wonderful. Escape from the daily routine. The daily life. The world. When I started university a two years ago I lost that. Writing became a chore. Not that I study writing, or English or anything like that. I study international relations. Which means that we write essays. We analyse why the world is as it is, and we write essays about it. Long, tiresome essays. And writing lost its fun. So did reading. I read so much for my classes, and wrote so much, that when I had a spare minute I was too tired to open a book or grab a pen. I've hardly written anything in two years. I miss it. Terribly. It's a good way to vent. Get everything out. Thoughts. Ideas. Speculations. So I am going to get it back. The fun in writing. I might have to force myself in the beginning. Pull out the words. But I'm hoping this will help. Have a place where I can write.

First entry. And as of entry two, I will write again. Write in the way that I miss so much.

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