
7 years and 364 days

I haven't written for a while. But now seems appropriate. Tomorrow's the day. The dreaded day. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps. I've come so far. I don't want it to pull me back down again. I don't think it will. I will not let it. But still. You never know. I will dream about you tonight though. And tomorrow. I can't believe it will have been 8 years tomorrow. EIGHT years. That's a really long time. But as always, and probably for forever, I remember it like it was yesterday. I won't bore you by going into the details. Again. That day showed me how dark the world can be. But also how strong friendships are formed. How close people can become after having faced a nightmare.

I've come a long way.
But I have by no means forgotten about you.
You're in everything I do.
And I miss you.
And I wonder what kind of wonderful women you would have grown up to be.
Would you have travelled the world? Studied at uni?
There's no point to think 'what if?'.
But sometimes I can't help it.
That day my world changed.
7 years and 364 days ago.

It still feels like yesterday.