
No explanation

You always hear the words,
It will get better.
And you nod your head,
while thinking no, it won't.

You wake up in the morning,
into the cold and the dark.
And you shake your head,
and pull the cover over you.

You go out and see friends,
you laugh and you smile.
See, I told you it'd get better!
You go home, and you shake your head,
while thinking no, it just looks like it's better.

You wake up in the morning,
and you can breathe.
You decide to fight,
you decide that they will be right.

One day, without really knowing how,
or why, or when.
You look out the window,
and you realise that yes,
it did get better.


Living with the books

But for once I'm actually really calm about them.
Not sure if that's good or bad,
I guess the results will let me know.
It's weird to think that these are my last January exams,


Travel geek

I came back from Australia yesterday,
and I had three amazing weeks down under.
And I've accomplished one of my travel geek goals:
To visit all the continents (not counting Antarctica), and to have stamps from all of them in one passport.

I'm a geek, I know.
But I'm keeping this passport for forever.